
荒漠甘泉∕11 月19日

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

 「你是叫我們多經歷重大急難的,必使我們復活。」(詩篇七十一篇 20 節)


  神是叫我們經歷急難的。有時,祂叫我們進入「地的深處」(以賽亞書四十四章 23 節),行走隱密的道路,埋在死人中間;雖然這樣,神和我們中間的交通和聯合是沒有一刻間斷的。神既叫我們進入「深處」,也必從「深處」帶領我們出來


  信徒啊,你不要對神懷疑!你不要說神已經棄絕你,忘記你了。你不要想祂不和你表同情。白日無論如何長,總要完結的 。冬雪無論如何厚,總會融化的


  你當站住;你的工作不是徒然的。神必安慰你。那時,你就要高唱凱歌了。 ── 選


“Thou, who hast showed us many and sore troubles, wilt quicken us again.” (Psalm 71:20, R. V.)

God shows us the troubles. Sometimes, as this part of our education is being carried forward, we have to descend into “the lower parts of the earth,” pass through subterranean passages, lie buried amongst the dead, but never for a moment is the cord of fellowship and union between God and us strained to breaking; and from the depths God will bring us again.

Never doubt God! Never say that He has forsaken or forgotten. Never think that He is unsympathetic. He will quicken again. There is always a smooth piece in every skein, however tangled. The longest day at last rings out the evensong. The winter snow lies long, but it goes at last.

Be steadfast; your labor is not in vain. God turns again, and comforts. And when He does, the heart which had forgotten its Psalmody breaks out in jubilant song, as does the Psalmist: “I will thank thee, I will harp unto thee, my lips shall sing aloud.” --- Selected.

“Though the rain may fall and the wind be blowing, And cold and chill is the wintry blast; Though the cloudy sky is still cloudier growing, And the dead leaves tell that the summer has passed;

My face I hold to the stormy heaven, My heart is as calm as the summer sea, Glad to receive what my God has given, Whate’er it be

When I feel the cold, I can say, ‘He sends it; And His winds blow blessing, I surely know; For I’ve never a want but that He attends it; And my heart beats warm, though the winds may blow.”






發表於2008/06/19 01:14 (3802閱讀)
