
荒漠甘泉∕6 月 28日

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman












 但是有條件的啊!我們要看見天上的門打開,必須知道怎樣生活在靈裏,必須有一個清潔順服的心,必須像保羅一樣將萬事當作有損的,以認識我的主基督耶穌為至寶。等到我們把神當作一切的一切的時候,等到我們一舉一動都蒙祂喜悅的時候,天上的門自然也會為我們打開了。-譯自日誠報(Daily Devotional Commentary


"A door opened in heaven." (Rev. 4:1.)

YOU must remember that John was in the Isle of Patmos, a lone, rocky, inhospitable prison, for the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus. And yet to him, under such circumstances, separated from all the loved ones of Ephesus; debarred from the worship of the Church; condemned to the companionship of uncongenial fellowcaptives, were vouchsafed these visions. For him, also a door was opened.

We are reminded of Jacob, exiled from his father's house, who laid himself down in a desert place to sleep, and in his dreams beheld a ladder which united Heaven with earth, and at the top stood God.

Not to these only, but to many more, doors have been opened into Heaven, when, so far as the world was concerned, it seemed as though their circumstances were altogether unlikely for such revelations.

To prisoners and captives; to constant sufferers, bound by iron chains of pain to sick couches; to lonely pilgrims and wanderers; to women detained from the Lord's house by the demands of home, how often has the door been opened to Heaven.

But there are conditions. You must know what it is to be in the Spirit; you must be pure in heart and obedient in faith; you must be willing to count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ; then when God is all in all to us, when we live, move and have our being in His favor, to us also will the door be opened. --- Daily Devotional Commentary.

"God hath His mountains bleak and bare,
where He doth bid us rest awhile;
Crags where we breathe a purer air,
Lone peaks that catch the day's first smile.

"God hath His deserts broad and brown─
A solitude─a sea of sand,
Where He doth let heaven's curtain down,
Unknit by His Almighty hand."




發表於2008/06/19 01:09 (3027閱讀)
