
荒漠甘泉∕4 20

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman


「萬軍之耶和華說,不是依靠勢力,不是依靠才能,乃是依靠我的靈,方能成事。」(聖經撒迦利亞書四章 6 節)






   「我現在這樣疲乏、軟弱,正像自行車上的孩子一般。我盡力向上而行,可是多少困難、攔阻,接踵而來,使我筋疲力盡。但是在這裡有一個力量 ── 主耶穌無限的力量 ── 可以給我使用。   


   我只需與祂接觸、與祂交通,雖然僅有信心的一個小指頭鉤住祂,也已經足夠叫祂的力量給我使用,來應付一切我所不能勝任的事情了。」 這一次,我不只得了一個屬靈的教訓,也把我一身的重壓拋去了。── 譯自更完美的生命(The Life of Fuller Purpose


"Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith Jehovah of hosts." (Zech. 4:6.)

MY way led up a hill, and right at the foot I saw a boy on a bicycle. He was pedalling up hill against the wind, and evidently found it a tremendously hard work. Just as he was working most strenuously and doing his best painfully, there came a trolley car going in the same direction─up the hill.

It was not going too fast for the boy to get behind it, and with one hand to lay hold of the bar at the back. Then you know what happened. He went up that hill like a bird. Then it flashed upon me:

"Why, I am like that boy on the bicycle in my weariness and weakness. I am pedalling up hill against all kinds of opposition, and am almost worn out with the task. But here at hand is a great available power, the strength of the lord Jesus.

"I have only to get in touch with Him and to maintain communication with Him, though it may be only one little finger of faith, and that will be enough to make His power mine for the doing of this bit of service that just now seems to much for me." And I was helped to dismiss my weariness and to realize this truth. --- The Life of Fuller Purpose.




發表於2008/06/19 01:08 (3749閱讀)
