

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman


「把船開到水深處。」(聖經路加福音五章 4 節)


  主,今天也要我進入深處,多少深祂沒有說。深的程度是看我們離岸 ── 世界 ── 多少遠,我們的需要多少大而定的。魚在深處可以得到,在淺水中卻得不到 






   主,要我們在神的目的和國度中進入深處,直到主的再來,直到我們與主同在千年國中掌權,直到我們的眼睛一看見光,我們的心就會因著將來與主同在的喜樂和榮耀跳動。── 譯自靈食(Soul Food)

  今天你願不願意浸沉在生命的水裏?以西結所見的異象中的水,起初是由殿的門檻下流出來的。後來手拿準繩量了以後,水到踝子骨了。再量了一次,水就到膝。再量了一次,水便到腰。後來竟成了可洑的水 ── 不可行走的河了(讀以西結書結四十七章)。在這生命的水裏,我們已經前進了多少?讓我們沉浸在這生命的水泉裏沐浴,把我們自己藏起來不被看見。讓我們離岸進深。不要忘記,那手拿準繩的今天仍和我們同在。(J. G. M.)



"Launch out into the deep." (Luke 5:4.)

HOW deep He does not say. The depth into which we launch will depend upon how perfectly we have given up the shore, and the greatness of our need, and the apprehension of our possibilites. The fish were to be found in the deep, not in the shallow water.

So with us; our needs are to be met in the deep things of God. We are to launch out into the deep of God's Word, which the Spirit can open up to us in such crystal fathomless meaning that the same words we have accepted in times past will have an ocean meaning in them, which renders their first meaning to us very shallow.

Into the deep of the Atonement, until Christ's precious blood is so illuminated by the Spirit that it becomes an omnipotent balm, and food and medicine for the soul and body.

Into the deep of the Father's will, until we apprehend it in its infinited minuteness and goodness, and its far-sweeping provision and care for us.

 Into the deep of the Holy Spirit, until He becomes a bright dazzling, sweet, fathomless summer sea, in which we bathe and bask and breathe, and lose ourselves and our sorrows in the calmness and peace of His everlasting presence.

Into the deep of the Holy Spirit, until He becomes a bright, marvelous answer to prayer, the most careful and tender guidance, the most thoughtful anticipation of our needs, the most accourate and supernatural shaping of our events.

Into the deep of God's purposes and coming kingdom, until the Lord's coming and His millennial reign are opened up to us; and beyond these the bright entrancing ages on ages unfold themselves, until the mental eye is dazed with light, and the heart flutters with inexpressible anticipations of its joy with Jesus and the glory to be revealed.

Into all these things, Jesus bids us launch. He made us and He made the deep, and to its fathomless depths He has fitted our longings and capabilities.─Soul Food.

"Its streams the whole creation reach, So plenteous is the store; Enough for all, enough for each; Enough forevermore."

The deep waters of the Holy Spirit are always accessible, because they are always proceeding. Will you not this day claim afresh to be immersed and drenched in these waters of life? The waters in Ezekiel's vision first of all oozed from under the doors of the temple. Then the man with the measuring line measured and found the waters to the ankles. Still further measurement, and they were waters to the knees. Once again they were measured and the waters were to the loins. Then they became waters to swim in─a river that could not be passed over. (Read Ezekiel 47.) How far have we advanced into this river of life? The Holy Spirit would have a complete self effacement. Not merely ankle-deep, knee-deep, loin-deep, but self-deep. We ourselves hidden out of sight and bathed in this life-giving stream. Let go the shore-lines and launch out into the deep. Never forget, the Man with the measuring line is with us today.
--- J.G.M.





發表於2008/06/19 01:06 (3255閱讀)
