
荒漠甘泉∕3 月 21日

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman


「照著你們的信給你們成全了罷。」(聖經馬太福音九章 29 節)




  讓我們記得世上任何環境都不能攔阻神的話應驗,所以讓我們堅信祂的話沒有改變的可能,雖然世界一直在改變。神要我們單信祂的話,不用別的證實或憑據,然後祂要照著我們的信給我們成全 ── 安德生(Sir R. Anderson

  「神說……事就這樣成了。」(聖經創世記一章 9 節)


"According to your faith be it unto you."(Matt. 9:29.)

PRAYING through" might be defined as praying one's way into full faith, emerging while yet praying into the assurance that one has been accepted and heard, so that one becomes actually aware of receiving, by firmest anticipation and in advance of the event, the thing for which he asks.

Let us remember that no earthly circumstances can hinder the fulfillment of His Word if we look steadfastly at the immutability of that Word and not at the uncertainty of this ever-changing world. God would have us believe His Word without other confirmation, and then he is ready to give us "according to our faith." --- Sir R. Anderson.

"And God said....and it was so." (Gen. 1:9.)




發表於2008/06/19 01:08 (3462閱讀)
