
荒漠甘泉∕6 5

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman


「求得深。」(聖經以賽亞書七章 11 節英文聖經直譯)





  凡以前的聖徒所得到的,今天我們都有可能得到。如果我們他們那樣的信心,他們那樣的盼望,他們那樣的愛心,他們那樣的忍耐,我們也必得到他們所得到的神蹟。假使我們秉著以利亞祈禱時的堅定信心,我們也有能力喚下聖靈的火和雨,像以利亞一樣。── 哥爾本(Dr. Goulburn


"Make thy petition deep." (Isa. 7:11, margin.)

WE must keep on praying and waiting upon the Lord, until the sound of a mighty rain is heard. There is no reason why we should not ask for large things; and without doubt we shall get large things if we ask in faith, and have the courage to wait with patient perservance upon Him, meantime doing those things which lie within our power to do.

We cannot create the wind or set it in motion, but we can set our sails to catch it when it comes; we cannot make the electricity, but we can stretch the wire along upon which it is to run and do its work; we cannot, in a word, control the Spirit, but we can so place ourselves before the Lord, and so do the things He has bidden us do, that we will come under the influence and power of His mighty breath. --- Selected.

"Cannot the same wonders be done now as of old? Where is the God of Elijah. He is waiting for Elijah to call on Him."

The greatest saints who ever lived, whether under the Old or new Dispensation, are on a level which is quite within our reach. The same forces of the spiritual world which were at their command, and the exertion of which made them such spiritual heroes, are open to us also. If we had the same faith, the same hope, the same love which they exhibited, we would achieve marvels as great as those which they achieved. A word of prayer in our mouths would be as potent to call down the gracious dews and melting fires of God's Spirit, as it was in Elijah's mouth to call down literal rain and fire, if we could only speak the word with that full assurance of faith wherewith he said it.
--- Dr. Goulburn, Dean of Norwich.




發表於2008/06/19 01:09 (3546閱讀)
