「我在靜默中,聽見有聲音。」(聖經約伯記四章 16 節)
二十年前,一位朋友送了我一本書,這本書的名字叫作「平安」(True Peace)。其中的信息是說:神在我裡面最深處等待著與我談話,只要我願意安靜下來,就可以聽見祂的聲音。
我想這是一件容易的事,所以我就開始去安靜起來。我一開始,便有一陣喧噪的聲浪送進我的耳朵裡來,有的是從外面來的, 有的是從裡面來的,成千的喊聲吵得我除了這些鬧聲以外,聽不見一點別的聲音。
各方面似乎都有聲音拉我、推我、大聲招呼我,真叫我說不出的不平安。似乎我不能不去聽他們,不能不去回答他們。但是神 對我說:「要安靜,要知道我是神。」(聖經詩篇四十六篇 10 節英文聖經直譯)不一回,我的思潮又轉到了明天 ── 明天的職務、明天的掛慮上去;神又對我說:「要安靜。」
我竭力將我的耳朵塞住,不讓它去聽到任何聲音;不久,別的聲音一概停止了,我就覺得在我裡面最深處,有一個微小的聲音 開始發聲了 ── 啊!這聲音裡面充滿了溫柔、能力和安慰;這聲音竟成了一切智慧和知識的泉源。
如果我們的靈常常這樣就飲於主的生命,我們前去工作或爭戰的時候,便會像一朵曾在夜的蔭涼下吸滿了露水的花一般新鮮。但是我們不能希望在風雨夜中找到露水,照樣,我們也不能希望在紛擾的心緒中找到上帝的聲音。──信宣(A. B. Simpson)
"There was silence, and I heard a still voice."(Job 4:16)
A SCORE of years ago, a friend placed in my hand a book called True Peace. It was an old mediaeval message, and it had but one thought─that God was waiting in the depths of my being to talk to me if I would only get still enough to hear His voice.
I thought this would be a very easy matter, and so began to get still. But I had no sooner commenced than a perfect Pandmonium of voices reached my ears, a thousand clamoring notes from without and within, until I could hear nothing but their noise and din.
Some were my own voices, my own questions, some my very prayers. Others were suggestions of the tempter and the voices from the world's turmoil.
In every direction I was pulled and pushed and greeted with noisy acclamations and unspeakable unrest. It seemed necessary for me to listen to some of them and to answer some of them; but God said,
"Be still, and know that I am God." Then came the conflict of thoughts for tomorrow, and its duties and cares; but God said, "Be still."
And as I listened, and slowly learned to obey, and shut my ears to every sound, I found after a while that when the other voices ceased, or I ceased to hear them, there was a still small voice in the depths of my being that began to speak with an inexpressible tenderness, power and comfort.
As I listened, it became to me the voice of prayer, the voice of wisdom, the voice of duty, and I did not need to think so hard, or pray so hard, or trust so hard; but that "still small voice" of the Holy Spirit in my heart was God's prayer in my secret soul, was God's answer to all my questions, was God's life and strength for soul and body, and became the substance of all knowledge, and all prayer and all blessing: for it was the living GOD Himself as my life, my all.
It is thus that our spirit drinks in the life of our risen Lord, and we go forth to life's conflicts and duties like a flower that has drunk in, through the shades of night, the cool and crystal drops of dew. But as dew never falls on a stormy night, so the dews of His grace never come to the restless soul. --- A. B. Simpson.