
荒漠甘泉∕10 月 6日

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman




  用緘默來容忍誤會,用溫和來容納冤曲,需要何等的寬大!試驗基督徒最好的方法乃是說他的壞話;因為這是一把銼刀,立刻能把他試驗出來究竟是鍍金還是純金。如果我們能知道我們的試煉下藏著祝福的話,我們一定會像大衛一樣說:「由他咒罵罷.... 或者耶和華....為我今日被這人咒罵,就施恩與我。」(聖經撒母耳記下十六章 11/12 節)




  感謝神!祂給了我們祂自己的靈 一個「被罵不還口」(聖經彼得前書二章 23 節)的靈,一個「只將自己交託那按公義審判人的主 」的靈。「那忍受罪人這樣頂撞的,你們要思想!」(聖經希伯來書十二章 3 節)── 信宣(A. B. Simpson


"He opened not his mouth." (Isa. 53:7.)

How much grace it requires to bear a misunderstanding rightly, and to receive an unkind judgment in holy sweetness! Nothing tests the Christian character more than to have some evil thing said about him. This is the file that soon proves whether we are electro-plate or solid gold. If we could only know the blessings that lie hidden in our trials we would say like David, when Shimei cursed him, "Let him curse; … it may be … that the Lord will requite me good for his cursing this day."

Some people get easily turned aside from the grandeur of their life-work by pursuing their own grievances and enemies, until their life gets turned into one little petty whirl of warfare. It is like a nest of hornets. You may disperse the hornets, but you will probably get terribly stung, and get nothing for your pains, for even their honey is not worth a search.

God give us more of His Spirit, "who, when he was reviled, reviled not again"; but "committed himself to him that judgeth righteously." "Consider him that endureth such contradiction of sinners against himself." --A. B. Simpson.

"Before you" He trod all the path of woe,
He took the sharp thrusts with His head bent low.
He knew deepest sorrow and pain and grief,
He knew long endurance without relief,
He took all the bitter from death's deep cup,
He kept not a blood-drop but gave all up.
"Before you" and for you, He won the fight





發表於2008/06/19 01:13 (4268閱讀)
