
荒漠甘泉∕2月 23日

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman


「有時來了獅子。」(聖經撒母耳記上十七章 34 節)








  當獅子來的時侯,不管牠外表如何可怕,你該認作這是神給你的機會。神的會幕,外面是用公羊皮和海狗皮做頂作成的;人從來不想那裡有神的榮耀。豈知耶和華的榮耀就在其中。但願神開啟我們的眼睛,叫我們無論在患難中、試煉中、危險中、不幸中,都能夠看見神。 ── C. H. P.


“And there came a lion.” (1 Sam. 17:34.)

It is a source of inspiration and strength to come in touch with the youthful David, trusting God. Through faith in God he conquered a lion and a bear, and afterwards overthrew the mighty Goliah. When that lion came to despoil that flock, it came as a wondrous opportunity to David. If he had failed or faltered he would have missed God'’ opportunity for him and Probably would never have come to be God'’ chosen king of Israel. "“nd there came a lion."

One would not think that a lion was a special blessing from God; one would think that only an occasion of alarm. The lion was God’s opportunity in disguise. Every difficulty that presents itself to us, if we receive it in the right way, is God’s opportunity. Every temptation that comes is God’s opportunity.

When the “lion” comes, recognize it as God’s opportunity no matter how rough the exterior. The very tabernacle of God was covered with badgers’ skins and goats’ hair; one would not think there would be any glory there. The Shekinah of God was manifest under that kind of covering. May God open our eyes to see Him, whether in temptations, trials, dangers, or misfortunes. --- C. H. P.





發表於2008/06/19 01:06 (3129閱讀)
