「祂使人安靜。」(聖經約伯記三十四章 29節)
今天我們仍舊和祂一同在船中;在深夜離岸甚遠,船到了湖中心的時候,忽然起了暴風,甚至船被波浪淹沒。這時候似乎世人聯絡一致地逼迫我們,地獄張了口等待吞噬我們,每一個波浪威脅我們。在這樣絕望的光景中,主很鎮靜地起來,斥責風和浪;在祂一揮手之下,祝福來了,風浪去了;風號浪嘯,不能混亂祂的聲音:「住了吧!靜了吧!」(聖經馬可福音四章 39 節)。
但是當我們以為失去了一切福分的時候,主就來了,叫我們嘗到祂同在的滋味。這時候我們因為有了祂自己,就忘記了祂所收回的,心中只覺得無限的安靜。「祂使人安靜。」── 選
“He giveth quietness.” (Job 34:29.)
Quietness amid the dash of the storm.
We sail the lake with Him still; and as we reach its middle waters, far from land, under midnight skies, suddenly a great storm sweeps down. Earth and hell seem arrayed against us, and each billow threatens to overwhelm. Then He arises from His sleep, and rebukes the winds and the waves; His hand waves benediction and repose over the rage of the tempestuous elements. His voice is heard above the scream of the wind in the cordage and the conflict of the billows, “Peace, be still!” Can you not hear it? And there is instantly a great calm.
“He giveth quietness.” Quietness and the loss of inward consolations. He sometimes withdraws these, because we make too much of them. We are tempted to look at our joy, our ecstasies, our transports, or our visions, with too great complacency. Then love for love’s sake, withdraws them. But, by His grace, He leads us to distinguish between them and Himself. He draws night, and whispers the assurance of His presence. Thus an infinite calm comes to keep our heart and mind. “He giveth quietness.”
“He giveth quietness.” O Elder Brother, Whose homeless feet have pressed our path ;of pain, Whose hands have borne the burden of our sorrow, That in our losses we might find our gain.
“Of all Thy gifts and infinite consolings, I ask but this: in every troubled hour To hear Thy voice through all the tumults stealing, And rest serene beneath its tranquil power.
“Cares cannot fret me if my soul be dwelling In the still air of faith’s untroubled day; Grief cannot shake me if I walk beside thee, My hand in Thine along the darkening way.
“Content to know there comes a radiant morning When from all shadows I shall find release; Serene to wait the rapture of its dawning- Who can make trouble when Thou sendest peace?”