
荒漠甘泉∕7 月 15日

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

「使我們勝了世界的,就是我們的信心。」(聖經約翰一書五章 4 節)




雖然你的禱告得不著答應 ,好似神並沒聽見一般,你卻仍然繼續呼喊;



  除神親手給你的東西以外,並不願望別的;忍耐等候,寧願餓死,也不願失去絲毫信心 ── 這就是勝了世界,這就是真實的信心。── 麥唐納(George MacDonald


"This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." (1 John 5:4.)

To trust in spite of the look of being forsaken; to keep crying out into the vast, whence comes no returning voice, and where seems no hearing; to see the machinery of the world pauselessly grinding on as if self-moved, caring for no life, nor shifting a hair-breadth for all entreaty, and yet believe that God is awake and utterly loving; to desire nothing but what comes meant for us from His hand; to wait patiently, ready to die of hunger, fearing only lest faith should fail-such is the victory that overcometh the world, such is faith indeed. ---George MacDonald

It is easy to love Him when the blue is in the sky. When summer winds are blowing, and we smell the roses nigh; There is little effort needed to obey His precious will When it leads through flower-decked valley, or over sun-kissed hill.

It is when the rain is falling, or the mist hangs in the air, When the road is dark and rugged, and the wind no longer fair, When the rosy dawn has settled in a shadowland of gray, That we find it hard to trust Him, and are slower to obey.

It is easy to trust Him when the singing birds have come, And their canticles are echoed in our heart and in our home; But 'tis when we miss the music, and the days are dull and drear, That we need a faith triumphant over every doubt and fear.

And our blessed Lord will give it; what we lack He will supply; Let us ask in faith believing-on His promises rely; He will ever be our Leader, whether smooth or rough the way, And will prove Himself sufficient for the needs of every day.




發表於2008/06/19 01:10 (3753閱讀)
