
荒漠甘泉∕3 月 9 日

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

「從……頂……往下觀看。」(聖經雅歌四章 8 節)




   大衛在苦難中喊叫說:「但願我有翅膀像鴿子,我就飛去,得享安息。」(聖經詩篇五十五章 6 節)


他的禱告尚未完畢,他似乎已經承認他的心願已經達到,真生了翅膀。因為他不再覺得重壓,並且還能憑他的經驗勸人說:「你要把你的重擔卸給耶和華,祂必撫養你。」22 節)


  「重擔」在聖經的邊註裡譯作「神所給你的東西」。信徒的重擔原是神給的;重擔帶領我們等候神、依賴神;什麼時候我們能滿足神的用意,什麼時候身上的重擔就化為翅膀,我們就能「如鷹展翅上騰」(聖經以賽亞書四十章 31 節)。 ── 譯自主日學報(Sunday School Times)


"Look from the top." (Song of Solomon 4:8.)

CRUSHING weights give the Christian wings. It seems like a contradiction in terms, but it is a blessed truth.

 David out of some bitter experience cried: "Oh, that I had wings like a dove! Then would I fly away, and be at rest" (Psa. 55:6.)

 But before he finished this meditation he seems to have realized that his wish for wings was a realizable one. For he says, "Cast thy burden upon Jehovah, and he will sustain thee."

The word "burden" is translated in the Bible margin, "what he (Jehovah) hath given thee." The saints' burdens are God-given; they lead him to "wait upon Jehovah," and when that is done, in the magic of trust, the "burden" is metamorphosed into a pair of wings, and the weighted one "mounts up with wings as eagles." --- Sunday School Times.




發表於2008/06/19 01:08 (3605閱讀)
