
荒漠甘泉∕3 月 7 日

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

「我們……周圍遭患難。」(聖經哥林多後書七章 5 節)



  第一,神夠用的恩典和能力可以彰顯得更完全,遠勝在安逸中。「我們有這寶貝放在瓦器裡,要顯明這莫大的能力,是出於神,不是出於我們。」(聖經哥林多後書四章 7 節)








  信心的祕訣一次學會,就永遠會了,並且是一個永遠的幸福。有信,貧窮變為富足;沒有信,富足也是貧窮。 ── 譯自地上的天上生活(Days of Heaven upon Earth


"We are troubled on every side." (2 Cor. 7:5.)

 WHY should God have to lead us thus, and allow the pressure to be so hard and constant?

in the first place, it shows His all-sufficient strength and grace much better than if we were exempt from pressure and trial. "The treasure is in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."

It makes us more conscious of our dependence upon Him. God is constantly trying to teach us our dependence, and to hold us absolutely in His hand and hanging upon His care.

 This was the place where Jesus Himself stood and where He wants us to stand, not with self-constituted strength, but with a hand ever leaning upon His, and a trust that dare not take one step alone. It teaches us trust.

 There is no way of learning faith except by trial. It is God's school of faith, and it is far better for us to learn to trust God than to enjoy life.

The lesson of faith once learned, is an everlasting acquisition and an eternal fortune made; and without trust even riches will leave us poor.
--- Days of Heaven upon Earth.




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