「你的波浪洪濤漫過我身。」(聖經詩篇四十二篇 7 節)
信徒啊,讓我們在主所安放我們的地位上好好站住,盡我們所能的去作。神常喜歡給我們一些試煉,因為神希望我們經過劇烈的爭鬥以後,能發育得更加強壯。生長在風雨之下,曾受風雨擊打的樹木,往往比生長在退隱的山谷下,從未受過風 雨摧殘的樹木,扎根更深。人生也是這樣。偉大的人物都是生長在艱苦中的。── 選
“All thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.” (Psalm 42:7.)
Stand up in the place where the dear Lord has put you, and there do your best. God gives us trial tests. He puts life before us as an antagonist face to face. Out of the buffeting of a serious conflict we are expected to grow strong. The tree that grows where tempests toss its boughs and bend its trunk often almost to breaking, is often more firmly rooted than the tree which grows in the sequestered valley where no storm ever brings stress or strain. The same is true of life. The grandest character is grown in hardship. --- Selected.
They are HIS billows, whether they go o’er us, Hiding His face in smothering spray and foam; Or smooth and sparkling, spread a path before us, And to our haven bear us safely home.
They are HIS billows, whether for our succor He walks across them, stilling all our fear; Or to our cry there comes no aid nor answer, And in the lonely silence none is near.
They are HIS billows, whether we are toiling Through tempest-driven waves that never cease, While deep to deep with clamor loud is calling; Or at His word they hush themselves in peace.
They are HIS billows, whether He divides them, Making us walk dryshod where seas had flowed; Or lets tumultuous breakers surge about us, Rushing unchecked across our only road.
They are HIS billows, and He bring us through them; So He has promised, so His love will do. Keeping and leading, guiding and upholding, To His sure harbor, He will bring us through.
---Annie Johnson Flint.