禱告的答應尚未來到之前,誰肯先唱感恩的詩歌呢?但是我們的主所留給我們的榜樣,並不是奇怪的、勉強的、沒有理由的。讚美在行神蹟的工作上實在非常重要的。神蹟由於靈力。靈力的大小是和信心成正比例的。-喬懷德(Dr. Jowett)
禱告的時候,沒有一件東西比讚美更能得神的喜悅,也沒有一件東西比讚美更能祝福禱告的人。有一次我在中國藉著讚美得到一個很大的祝福:我從家鄉接到很多不快樂的消息,焦慮密佈了我的全心。我禱告,焦慮並不輕減。我竭力忍住,事實上卻焦慮得更利害。正在那時候我出發到一處內地去,看見在一家傳道人住宅的牆上寫著『要感謝』三個大字。我就立即開口感謝,不一會,我的焦慮全都消散了,一點也沒有留下。啊,寫詩篇的人說得正對:『稱謝耶和華……這本為美事』(詩九十二篇一至三節)。-富勒斯(Rev. Henry W. Frost)
"And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I thank thee that thou heart me." (John 11:41.)
THIS is a very strange and unusual order. Lazarus is still in the grave, and the thanksgiving precedes the miracle of resurrection. I thought that the thanksgiving would have risen when the great deed had been wrought, and Lazarus was restored to life again. But Jesus gives thanks for what He is about to receive. The gratitude breaks forth before the bounty has arrived, in the assurance that it is certainly on the way. The song of victory is sung before the battle has been fought. It is the sower who is singing the song of the harvest home. It is thanksgiving before the miracle!
Who thinks of announcing a victory-psalm when the crusaders are just starting out for the field? Where can we hear the grateful song for the answer which has not yet been received? And after all, there is nothing strange or forced, or unreasonable in the Master's order. Praise is really the most vital perparatory ministry to the working of the miracles. Miracles are wrought by spiritual power. Spiritual power is always proportioned to our faith. --- Dr. Jowett.
Nothing so pleases God in connection with our prayer as our praise, and nothing so blesses the man who prays as the praise which he offers. I got a great blessing once in China in this connection. I had received bad and sad news from home, and deep shadows had covered my soul. I prayed, but the darkness did not vanish. I summoned myself to endure, but the darkness only deepened. Just then I went to an inland station and saw on the wall of the mission home these words: "Try Thanksgiving." I did, and in a moment every shadow was gone, not to return. Yes, the Psalmist was right, "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord."
--- Rev. Henry W. Frost.