
荒漠甘泉∕4 月 12日

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman


 耶穌被聖靈充滿,從約但河回來,聖靈將祂引到曠野,四十天受魔鬼的試探。」(聖經路加福音四章 1 節)




  馬丁路得所受的撒但的攻擊比任何人更多。因為他把地獄搖了幾搖。本仁約翰John Bunyan也如此。






  特別的苦難不一定是特別的罪惡的刑罰,有時候反是特別的祝福。神有很多銳利的器具,是用以琢磨祂心愛的寶石的;凡是祂所特別心愛的,祂就常常加以琢磨。── 雷登(Archbishop Leighton


"And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, being forty days tempted of the devil."(Luke 4:1, 2.)

JESUS was full of the Holy Ghost, and yet He was tempted. Temptation often comes upon a man with its strongest power when he is nearest to God. As someone has said, "The devil aims high." He got one apostle to say he did not even know Christ.

Very few men have such conflicts with the devil as Martin Luther had. Why? Because Martin Luther was going to shake the very kingdom of hell. Oh, what conflicts John Bunyan had!

If a man has much of the Spirit of God, he will have great conflicts with the tempter. God permits temptation because it does for us what the storms do for the oaks─it roots us; and what the fire does for the paintings on the porcelain─it makes them permanent.

You never know that you have a grip on Christ, or that He has a grip on you, as well as when the devil is using all his force to attract you from Him; then you feel the pull of Christ's right hand. --- Selected.

Extraordinary afflictions are not always the punishment of extraordinary sins, but sometimes the trial of extraordinary graces. God hath many sharp-cutting instruments, and rough files for the polishing of His jewels; and those He especially loves, and means to make the most resplendent, He hath oftenest His tools upon. --- Archbishop Leighton.

       I bear my willing witness that I owe more to the fire, and the hammer, and the file, than to anything else in my Lord's workshop. I sometimes question whether I have ever learned anything except through the rod. When my schoolroom is darkened, I see most. --C. H. Spurgeon


        我今天願意在這裡作一個見證:我一生的轉變,全靠我主工廠裡的烈火、釘鎚、銼刀、棒杖。──司布眞(C.H. Spurgeon)



發表於2008/06/19 01:08 (3819閱讀)
