「亞伯拉罕因著信,蒙召的時候,就遵命出去,往將來要得為業的地方去。」 (聖經希伯來書十一章 8 節)
哦,這是榮耀的信心!你也可以做得到的。當祂打發你出去的時候,雖然路線還未顯明,但是你儘可信任那打發者 ── 天地之主、宇宙之神。起來吧!放下自己的一切,跟從主,因為地上最好的還不堪與天上最壞的一比。── 梅爾(F. B. Meyer)
沒有一件事會照你所意料的實現。你的嚮導知道怎樣引領你前進。祂將領你走一條你所夢想不到的路徑。祂不知道懼怕,祂也希望你因著祂的同在不知懼怕。── 選
"By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed" (Heb. 11:8.)
WHITHER he went, he knew not; it was enough for him to know that he went with God. He leant not so much upon the promises as upon the Promises. He looked not on the difficulties of his lot, but on the King, eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, who had deigned to appoint his course, and would certainly vindicate Himself.
O glorious faith! This is thy work, these are thy possibilities; contentment to sail with sealed orders, because of unwavering confidence in the wisdom of the Lord High Admiral; willinghood to rise up, leave all, and follow Christ, because of the glad assurance that earth's best cannot bear comparison with heaven's least. --- F.B.M.
It is by no means enough to set out cheerfully with your God on any venture of faith. Tear into smallest pieces any itinerary for the journey which your imagination may have drawn up.
Nothing will fall out as you expect. Your guide will keep to no beaten path. He will lead you by a way such as you never dreamed your eyes would look upon. He knows no fear, and He expects you to fear nothing while He is with you.