
荒漠甘泉∕7 6

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman


「我們也不知道怎樣行,我們的眼目,單仰望你。」(聖經歷代志下二十章 12 節)


  以色列人中,有人因為未奉神命,輕易用人手去扶住約櫃,以致遭了擊殺。雖然他去的目的很好,為著要按住 約櫃的震動但是他的輕舉妄動卻使他喪失了生命。






  可能你看見事情越過越糟了,但是我們既知道,神哪裡會不知道呢?如果我們真心完全託付祂,讓祂按照祂自己 的方法和時間去成就,祂一定會在適當的時間起來的。在很多事情上,我們能完全不動,真是莫大的幫助;反之, 如果我們自己仍不息地工作著,卻是一個極大的阻礙── 信宣(A. B. Simpson


"Neither know we what to do; but our eyes are upon thee." (2 Chron. 20:12.)

A LIFE was lost in Israel because a pair of human hands were laid unbidden upon the ark of God. They were placed upon it with the best intent, to steady it when trembling and shaking as the oxen drew it along the rough way; but they touched God's work presumptuously, and they fell paralyzed and lifeless. Much of the life of faith consists in letting things alone.

If we wholly trust an interest to God, we must keep our hands off it; and He will guard it for us better than we can help Him. "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass."

Things may seem to be going all wrong, but He knows as well as we; and he will arise in the right moment if we are really trusting Him so fully as to let Him work in His own way and time. There is nothing so masterly as inactivity in some things, and there is nothing so hurtful as restless working, for God has undertaken to work His sovereign will. --- A. B. Simpson.

"Being perplexed, I say,
Lord, make it right!
Night is as day to Thee,
Darkness as light.
I am afraid to touch
things that involve so much;
My trembling hand may shake,
My skilless hand may break;
Thine can make no mistake.'

"Being in doubt i say,
Lord, make it plain;
Which is the true, safe way?
Which would be gain?
I am not wise to know,
Nor sure of foot to go;
What is so clear to Thee,
Lord, make it clear to me!' "

It is such a comfort to drop the tangles of life into God's hands and leave them there.




發表於2008/06/19 01:10 (3659閱讀)
