「眾人方唱歌讚美的時候,耶和華就派伏兵擊殺....他們就被打敗了。」(聖經歷代志下二十章 22 節)
哦,巴不得我們早晨也唱,晚間也唱,每天的生活中充滿了歌唱讚美!── 選
"When they began to sing and praise, the Lord set am-bushments...and they were smitten."(2 Chron.20:22.)
OH, that we could reason less about our troubles, and sing and praise more! There are thousands of things that we wear as shackles which we might use as instruments with music in them, if we only knew how.
We can sing our cares away easier than we can reason them away. Sing in the morning. The birds are the earliest to sing, and birds are more without care than anything else that I know of.
Sing at evening. Singing is the last thing that robins do. When they have done their daily work; when they have flown their last flight, and picked up their last morsel of food, then on a topmost twig, they sing one song of praise.
Oh, that we might sing morning and evening, and let song touch song all the way through. --- Selected.