
荒漠甘泉∕5 19

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman


「話還沒說完....說,耶和華....是應當稱頌的,因祂不斷的以慈愛誠實待我....。」(聖經創世紀廿四章 1527 節)


  每一個正當的禱告,都是「話還沒說完」,神就答應的。這是因為神已經給了我們祂的應允 ── 凡奉主的名(就是與主並祂的旨意合一),無論求什麼,只要信,就必得著。




  所以禱告之後,最好用讚美來作結束 ── 讚美神已經聽了我們的禱告,讚美神不斷的以慈愛誠實待我們。(參讀聖經但以理書九章 20/27 節又十章 12 節) ── 譯自晨更信息(Messages for the Morning Watch


  當我們相信一件事的時候,我們就應該有相信的行為 ── 我們的動作、我們的禱告,都當和我們的信心相符。我們應該算神已經給了我們所求的,這才是信心的態度。



"And it came to pass, before he had done speaking...and he said, Blessed be Jehovah...who hath not forsaken his lovingkindness and his truth." (Gen. 24:15, 27.)

EVERY right prayer is answered before the prayer itself is finished─ before we have "done speaking." This is because God has pledged His Word to us that whatsoever we ask in Christ's name (that is, in oneness with Christ and His will) and in faith, shall be done.

As God's Word cannot fail, whenever we meet those simple conditions in prayer, the answer to our prayer has been granted and completed in heaven as we pray, even though its showing forth on earth may not occur until long afterward.

So it is well to close every prayer with praise to God for the answer that He has already granted; He who never forsakes His loving-kindness and his truth. (See Daniel 9:20-27 and 10:12.) --- Messages for the Morning Watch.

When we believe for a blessing, we must take the attitude of faith; and begin to act and pray as if we had the blessing. We must treat God as if He hand given us our request. We must lean our weight over upon Him for the thing that we have claimed, and just take it for granted that He gives it, and is going to continue to give it. This is the attitude of trust.




發表於2008/06/19 01:09 (3615閱讀)
