
荒漠甘泉∕9 月10日

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman


「耶和華必成全關乎我的事。」(聖經詩篇一百三十八篇 8 節)






  他的思想不再會建造空中樓閣,也不再會追逐無智的事物了;他的理智會變得柔順溫良了;他自己的選擇會歸於烏有 ── 除了神的旨意以外,沒有別的選擇了。


  他對一切人物的愛情都會死滅淨盡 ── 死滅得沒有一件東西能再傷害他,沒有一件東西能再絆倒他,沒有一件東西能再妨礙他,沒有一件東西能再阻止他﹔因為,不論環境怎樣,他所尋求的,只是神和神的旨意;他深信神在宇宙中所做的每一件事,無論是好是壞,是過去是現在,都是互相效力,叫他得益處的


  哦,這樣絕對的得勝──失去我們自己的力量、智慧、計劃、慾望,將屬于天然的每一個微小的分子,都放在我們主耶穌全能的腳下 ──是多麼有福啊!── 譯自靈食(Soul Food)


受苦而不挫氣,是一件偉大的事情。── 費內倫(Fenelon)


“The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me.”(Psalm 138:8.)

There is a Divine mystery in suffering, a strange and supernatural power in it, which has never been fathomed by the human reason. There never has been known great saintliness of soul which did not pass through great suffering. When the suffering soul reaches a calm sweet carelessness, when it can inwardly smile at its own suffering, and does not even ask God to deliver it from suffering, then it has wrought its blessed ministry; then patience has its perfect work; then the crucifixion begins to weave itself into a crown.

It is in this state of the perfection of suffering that the Holy Spirit works many marvelous things in our souls. In such a condition, our whole being lies perfectly still under the hand of God; every faculty of the mind and will and heart are at last subdued; a quietness of eternity settles down into the whole being; the tongue grows still, and has but few words to say; it stops asking God questions; it stops crying, “Why hast thou forsaken me?”

The imagination stops building air castles, or running off on foolish lines; the reason is tame and gentle; the choices are annihilated; it has no choice in anything but the purpose of God. The affections are weaned from all creatures and all things; it is so dead that nothing can hurt it, nothing can offend it, nothing can hinder it, nothing can get in its way; for, let the circumstances be what they may, it seeks only for God and His will, and it feels assured that God is making everything in the universe, good or bad, past or present, work together for its good.

Oh, the blessedness of being absolutely conquered! Of losing our own strength. And wisdom, and plans, and desires, and being where every atom of our nature is like placid Galilee under the omnipotent feet of our Jesus -- Soul Food.

The great thing is to suffer without being discouraged. -- Fenelon.





發表於2008/06/19 01:13 (3780閱讀)
