
荒漠甘泉∕5 月 23日

原作∕Mrs. Charles E. Cowman


「他們的智慧無法可施,於是他們在苦難中哀求耶和華,祂從他們的禍患中領出他們來。」(聖經詩篇一百零七篇 27/28 節)








  信徒們哪,你在患難中可能很久了。為什麼你甘願白白受苦呢?神在等待拯救你,只要你肯放棄自己的智慧,依靠祂得大能 ──


  你不要失望;可能最後的一把鑰匙才是替你開門的── 司單雪佛(Stansiter


"At their wit's end, they cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out."(Psalm 107:27, 28.)

Are you standing at "Wit's End Corner," Christian, with troubled brow? Are you thinking of what is before you, And all you are bearing now?

Does all the world seem against you, And you in the battle alone? Remember─at "Wit's End Corner" Is just where God's power is shown.

Are you standing at "Wit's End Corner," Blinded with wearying pain, Feeling you cannot endure it, You cannot bear the strain, Bruised through the constant suffering, Dizzy, and dazed, and numb? Remember─at "Wit's End Corner" Is where Jesus loves to  come.

Are you standing at "Wit's End Corner"? Your work before you spread, All lying begun, unfinished, And pressing on heart and head, Longing for strength to do it, Stretching out trembling hands? Remember─at "Wit's End Corner" The Buraen-beerer stands.

Are you standing at "Wit's End Corner"? Then you're just in the very spot To learn the wondrous resources Of Him who faileth not: No doubt to a brighter pathway Your footsteps will soon be moved, But only at "Wit's End Corner" Is the "God who is able" proved. ─Antoinette Wilson.

Do not get discouraged; it may be the last key in the bunch that opens the door. --- Stansifer.




發表於2008/06/19 01:09 (3293閱讀)
