「我父所給我的那杯,我豈可不喝呢?」(聖經約翰福音十八章 11 節)
有時候你光明的希望遭了永久的毀滅;每天所背負的重擔永得不著減輕;當你渴望有充足的財力能使所愛的過些幸福舒適的生活時,反遭到了貧窮拮据;或者竟被身體上不治的病症捆鎖拘禁在病榻上;赤裸裸地被剝奪了一切所愛的人們,剩下你獨自一人孤孤單單地去抵禦一切外來的襲擊 ── 在這種試煉之下,你依然能說:「我父所給我的那杯,我豈可不喝呢?」 ── 這就是最高點的信心!這就是最高點屬靈的成就! ── 巴赫司脫(Dr. Charles Parkhurst)
"The cup which my Father hath given me, shall I not drink it?" (John 18:11.)
THIS was a greater thing to say and do than to calm the seas or raise the dead. Prophets and apostles could work wondrous miracles, but they could not always do and suffer the will of God. To do and suffer God's will is still the highest form of faith, the most sublime Christian achievement. To have the bright aspirations of a young life forever blasted; to bear a daily burden never congenial and to see no relief; to be pinched by poverty when you only desire a competency for the good and comfort of loved ones; to be fettered by some incurable physical disability; to be stripped bare of loved ones until you stand alone to meet the shocks of life-to be able to say in such a school of discipline, "The cup which my Father has given me, shall I not drink it?" -this is faith at its highest and spiritual success at the crowning point. Great faith is exhibited not so much in ability to do as to suffer. --- Dr. Charles Parkhurst.
To have a sympathizing God we must have a suffering Saviour, and there is no true fellow-feeling with another save in the heart of him who has been afflicted like him.
We cannot do good to others save at a cost to ourselves, and our afflictions are the price we pay for our ability to sympathize. He who would be a helper, must first be a sufferer. He who would be a saviour must somewhere and somehow have been upon a cross; and we cannot have the highest happiness of life in succoring others without tasting the cup which Jesus drank, and submitting to the baptism wherewith He was baptized.
The most comforting of David's psalms were pressed out by suffering; and if Paul had not had his thorn in the flesh we had missed much of that tenderness which quivers in so many of his letters.
The present circumstance, which presses so hard against you (if surrendered to Christ), is the best shaped tool in the Father's hand to chisel you for eternity. Trust Him, then. Do not push away the instrument lest you lose its work.
The school of suffering graduates rare scholars.